How to improve the performance of a pl/sq stored procedures or functions or triggers and packages ?
12 26974Post New UHD Interview Questions
What are the effects methods used in jquery?
How do I restore the windows sidebar?
What is a ready queue?
Give an example where you demonstrated your organizational skills?
How would you handle negative feedback from angry clients?
What is sap hybris testing?
Hi Guys, my requirement is to load 1 yr data from oracle to teradata database through abinitio etl graph.i need to schedule this as a monthly job.but i want to load 12 month data for the first time and from second time it should load last (recent) month data and delete 13th month data. For example For the first time it should load 201208 to 201108 data, second time it should delete 201108 month data and load 201209 month data. I developed garph to load 12 month data ,but i don't know how to handle above requirement as am new to abinitio. i greatly appreciate you help.Thank You.
What is the use of ordinal identifier in qtp?
Which products will produce when acetic anhydride reacts with Ter-butanol, Sec-butanol, Iso butanol, Dimethylamine etc.
When would you use a global variable instead of a local variable?
Will windows 95 games work on windows 10?
Why we use intwritable instead of int? Why we use longwritable instead of long?
Who developed c language and when?
Explain radio telescopes?
In a four-stroke diesel engine, In what engine exhaust valve will open?