what are the differences among these table level lock

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what are the differences among these table level lock modes - IN SHARE MODE, IN SHARE UPDATE MODE,..

Answer / raji_4u

in share mode :
this mode is for read only on entire table.
we can not make changes to table.
any user can have a lock in share mode at same time.

in share update mode :
this mode is used to lock the selected rows for update.
this mode acquires lock on selected rows only,not entire table.
other user can have lock on other rows on the same table but
not on the rows you have locked.

in exclusive mode :
this acquires lock on entire table.
another user can not have any lock on that table.

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what are the differences among these table level lock modes - IN SHARE MODE, IN SHARE UPDATE MODE,..

Answer / ajay.lavanuru

The lock mode convey the message of lock status starting
from low level hierarchy to high level hierarchy.

exclusive lock ---high priority
if this lock is enabled then 1 cant do nothing on the table.

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what are the differences among these table level lock modes - IN SHARE MODE, IN SHARE UPDATE MODE,..

Answer / anil kumar jaiswal

Lock : Lock is a mechanism to prevent destructive interaction between users using same source at same time.
mainly lock is two types :

row level lock and table level lock.

Row level lock : in this a row is locked exclusively so others can not modify the rows until the transaction holding the lock is commited or rolled back.

syntax : lock table table_name where sal>3000(any condition) for update of comm(a column name);

table level lock consist 3 type :

a) share mode lock.
b)share update mode.
c)share exclusive mode.

share mode : allow users to query but not able to perform dml operation on the table being locked in shared mode. multi user can place share lock on same resource at same time.
syntax : lock table table_name in share mode;

share update lock : its used to lock the rows that need to be updated and also allow other user to access other rows of the table.
it just prevent users to use the same row is updating.
in share update mode users can perform all task like insert,delete,update.

syntax : lock table table_name in share update mode;

Exclusive mode : you can give same definition written for share lock. the only difference is only 1 user can place exclusive lock on a table at a time.

syntax : lock table emp in share exclusive mode;

Note : After explaining concept of locks i like to share some info about deadlock.

what is deadlock : when 2 user have a lock each on separate object, and wants to acquire a lock on each other objects when this happen. the first user need to wait for the 2nd user to release the lock but the 2nd user will not release the lock untill he found first user object freed. in this scenario oracle detect deadlock automatically and solve the problem by aborting one of the transaction.

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