what does myisamchk do? : Sql dba
Do foreign keys improve performance?
how can we find the select statement is indexed or not?
Q1.all the depts which has more then 10 empls? Q2.all the dept which does not have any emply? Q3 all the emp which does not have any dept? Q4 get all the emply detais with the dept details it dept is exit otherwise any emp details? Q5 how to debugg the dynamic sql and packages?
Explain the difference between triggers and constraints?
What is a sql profiler?
if i perform any operation on views such as insert, delete etc will my base table get affected?????
How do I truncate a sql log file?
How to select unique records from a table?
Why schema is used in sql?
What is exit statement?
SELECT flavor, SUM (ice_cream_sales) FROM sales_detail GROUP BY flavor ORDER BY 2 DESC If the "sales_detail" table contains ten records with different values in the flavor column (two "vanilla," three "chocolate," four "strawberry," and one NULL), how many rows are returned by the sample code above? 1. 0 rows 2. 1 row 3. 3 rows 4. 4 rows 5. 10 rows
How to disable a trigger name update_salary?