what are the different functions in sorting an array? : Sql dba
Why do we use triggers?
Is coalesce faster than isnull?
What are the different types of PL/SQL program units that can be defined and stored in ORACLE database ?
How many types of relationship are there?
What is rank dense_rank and partition in sql?
Can we rollback after truncate?
What are the uses of sysdate and user keywords?
have table with two columns with datatypes as number and varchar and the values in A column like 1,2,3 AND B column values like a,b,c. now need to display data in a single column as 1,a,2,b,3,c.
What is the difference between left and left outer join?
What is on delete restrict?
Write a query to find the name of employees those who have joined on Monday.(based on column hire_date)
How do I partition in sql?