what are the non-standard sql commands supported by 'mysql'? : Sql dba
What is cold data?
What is trigger types of trigger?
what are the nonstandard string types? : Sql dba
what are null values? : Sql dba
How do I partition in sql?
Can a table have two primary keys?
What is flag in sql?
How does a covering index work?
Can you load data into multiple tables at once? : aql loader
What is offset and limit in sql?
What are different methods to trace the pl/sql code?
ename empno deptno amar 1 10 akbar 2 20 anthonny 3 30 jonathan 4 40 write a procedure to dispaly the column values ina row separated by a deleimiter eg - input - select ename from emp '|' output - amar|akbar|anthony|jonathan input - select empno from emp '@' o/p - 1@2@3@4 input - select deptno from emp '/' o/p - 10/20/30/40 Pls answer this questn.