Why use “in” clause in sql server?
Explain features of analysis services?
How to provide default values to function parameters?
In which tcp/ip port does sql server run? Can it be changed?
What is explicit cursors?
what are the different types of replication you can set up in sql server? : Sql server database administration
What guidelines should be followed to help minimize deadlocks?
I applied Transactional with updatable subscriptions replication on 2 tables now i want to delete those 2 tables but i cannot delete those tables as replication is running how can i stop replication for those 2 tables(but i don't want to delete those replicated tables but i need to stop the replication) how can i do that
How to insert data into an existing table?
What is the difference between UNIQUE and DISTINCT keywords in DBMS?
how would you write a sql query to compute a frequency table of a certain attribute involving two joins? What changes would you need to make if you want to order by or group by some attribute? What would you do to account for nulls?
Tell me what is sql profiler?
Explain about protocol layer present in SQL server?