What is the cartesian product of the table?
What is a trigger what are the advantages of trigger?
i have a table student like sname ----- ram ram ram raj raj raj i need the output like sname ----- ram raj ram raj ram raj
Explain how long are locks retained within the repeatable_read and serializable isolation levels, during a read operation with row-level locking?
What is the server name for sql management studio?
What is constraints and its types?
What is store procedure? How do they work? When do you use?
how to find out the repeated value from table using groupby function?
How do I find sql server instance name?
what is difference between nchar and char in Sql server ?
How can you find out if the current user is a member of the specified microsoft® windows nt® group or microsoft sql server™ role?
Can you please differentiate between a primary key and a unique key?
I Have Employee table having column name as ID,SALARY how to get second max salary from employee table with id ex ID SALARY 1 20000 7 37000 2 5000
17 Answers HCL, IBM,