What is the sql case statement?
What is different between union and minus?
How to get list of all tables from a database?
Is it possible to use LONG columns in WHERE clause or ORDER BY?
Can I copy :old and :new pseudo-records in/to an oracle stored procedure?
What is microsoft t sql?
How are multiple column = value pairs delimited in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement? 1. With commas (SET price = 0, status = 'I') 2. With parentheses (SET (price = 0) (status = 'I')) 3. With double-pipes (SET price = 0 || status = 'I') 4. With square-brackets (SET [price = 0] [status = 'I'] 5. With single or multiple spaces (SET price = 0 status = 'I')
Explain what is rdbms?
What is the difference between a primary key and a clustered index?
What are the types of triggers ?
26 Answers Aspire, BirlaSoft, TCS,
What is the difference between jpql and sql?
What is linq to sql?
What are different clauses used in sql?