What is the diffrence between IN and EXISTS.which one is

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What is the diffrence between IN and EXISTS.which one is faster...

Answer / neha

In the in clause, the inner query is executed first, hence if the inner query return less data than the outer query, then use IN clause, in the other scenario, user exists clause.

Also, in the exists clause the inner query always reference outer query's table, which may or may not be the case with in IN clause.

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What is the diffrence between IN and EXISTS.which one is faster...

Answer / rashmi

> we use IN gives better performance when there is less number of record in a table (up to 999 records), But for large number records EXIST give better performance.
>In may or may not depends a sub query all time, But EXIST always depend on a sub query.

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What is the diffrence between IN and EXISTS.which one is faster...

Answer / manoranjan sethy

Exist operator always faster then In operator.
because assume that we gave value like in(10) then what is does? it will search my entire table and wherever 10 is found it will return as output.
but in exist operator if 10 found then optimizer will stop the searching process that is how exist gives more performance.

ii) In operator all ways conduct pattern search process but exist conduction boolean state of search process.

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