What do you mean by the zone of protection?
to vary valtage from 0 - max a variac is necessary . so how to design for high power applications nearly about 200KW power
if the HR asked to me., you have got 92% in higher secondary but got only 72% in engg whats the reason??what should i have to say ..please help me..
is it possible to step down voltage of single phase from a three phase sysem? explain
What is effect on in zone and out zone fault if CT chosen for phase side is Vk/2<5mA and Neutral side is Vk/2<15mA on REF protection of Transformer
What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are occurred what preventive methods should be taken?
14 Answers ABB, L&T,
what is max. continous current of LT side of distribtion transformers? ie for25kVA, 63kVA, 100kVA, 200kVA etc
What is gross error?
why in america the supply frequency is applied as 60 HZ. but in india we use 50 HZ.
1 Answers Elcom International, HCL, NTPC, OMC,
where this neutral connection goes after returning from the load(home ,factory,industries).Is it grounded at the transformer side or atthe generator side .If it is grounded then we also ground the earth connection.is there any problem with this.
whether a separate starter is used for a motor while it is connected to a vvvf panel?
what are the current specifications of bus ducts ? i ve seen in IPBD bth 22000 A and 1500 A in 400 kv switchyard . why it is so??
why making capacity is more than breaking capacity?
14 Answers Essar, Indo Asian, Infinity,