IBM Freshers Interview + Placement Paper ---- apr 24 2007 Kolkata

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IBM Freshers Interview + Placement Paper ---- apr 24 2007 Kolkata..

Answer / maharshi

I appeared for the IBM recruitment test on 24th April, 2007 in our campus.
Luckily, I got through. Now there were 3 rounds of qualifying exams.

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IBM Interview Questions

First round is the Aptitude test.(55 marks total, cutoff 30 for boys)
For aptitude test remember the first and most important thing is Time
Management. Practice R.S.Aggarwal, it's more than enough for the aptitude.

It has 4 sections in its paper: (1 hr test)

(i) verbal (10 mins)

This will consist of filling up prepositions in the blanks.

e.g. 1. he had been singing for a very long time, but until now he has
never been seen ____ the opera house
options: (a)at (b)in (c)on (d)none

2. the sea food did not agree ____ him.
options: (a)with (b)on (c)for (d)in

There will be atleast 2 of these questions.

Then there would be few other 'fill in the blanks'.

Then there is a comprehension. Our passage was from "Origin of Species".
It was fairly easy.

They are mostly in sequential order from passage paragraphs.

(ii) Quantitative (25 questions, 30 mins)

First question was on venn diagrams (credit card holder problem).

then there are questions on direction, 4-5 questions on data sufficiency,
4-5 questions on replacing 0 and 1 by * & #, age problems etc.

(iii) Attention to details (10 mins)

This section be careful.section is very easy but be attentive to details.

There will be 2-3 questions on similarity like

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find any dissimilarity.

then there will problem on relation- father, son like that

then replacing + by *, - by + and so on.

last question will be on case study.

they had given us a criteria list for admission and few biodatas for
considering whether their applications will be accepted.

(iv) Technical (10 mins)

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IBM Interview Questions

this portion will contain checking output, choosing correct answer etc.
It will be based on DBMS, C, unix commands and may few other topics.

Essay writing:

They will provide 15 mins after aptitude test for writing this passage.
About 300 words. Aptitude marks most probably don't include essay marks.
But they do pay importance to this.

128 were selected from 200-220 after aptitude test.

Next is the GD round.

There were 12 in a group. They check your communication skills and your
ideas. Just remember you have to talk.

If u get through this u will face Tech+hr interview and mostly they will be
conducted by the People who conducted your GD.

It was as follows:

sir: i didn't get time to read your essay, tell me about it in brief.

me: explained (they were satisfied)

sir: tell us something about yourself.

me: told (stress on your extracurricular activities if you have good ones.

sir: have u got any other job offer?

me: yes sir, from cognizant.

sir: why do u want to join IBM, cognizant is the fastest growing company now?

me: explained( go through the press releases or news of the company you are
sitting for, because if u talk about those they really get impressed, Just
visit The Company's Home Site, you can get all details there)

sir: Ok, what is ur favourite subject?

me: Principles of programming language

sir: tell me difference b/w structure in C and C++?

me: told

sir: tell me a function where u don't have to define a body?

me: pure virtual function

sir: explain that.

me: (that was the only thing I couldn't recall)

sir: anyway, tell me about header files

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IBM Interview Questions

sir: Ok, lets say I give u a job Not challenging, a job that class 12 boy
can do, would u do it?

me: well a job is only as challenging as u make it, and i think there's no
harm in starting with a class 12 job, I can surely work my way up.

sir: tell me a phase of ur life where u went through a big change.

me: from my school to college.

sir: Are u mobile?

me: absolutely

sir: ok, lets say I send u to jungle rural place and tell u set up an IT
workshop, what will the 3 most important challenges you will be facing?

(i) requirement analysis: planning, gathering info on what is necessary to
get the job done, framework etc
(ii) man power= local technically ignorant people + technically
experienced people --> Managing them Together
(iii) handling unexpected events that are bound to occur in any large
scale job.

They were totally impressed with this answer.

sir: u have any question for me?

me: sir can u tell me about the training program in your company?

sir: any more questions?

me: yes sir, can u tell me more about 10 yr pact made between IBM and Idea
cellular and Aditya birla?

sir: Explaines anymore?

me: no sir.

Luckily i was selected.

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IBM Freshers Interview + Placement Paper ---- apr 24 2007 Kolkata..

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