What is the difference between dbcc indexdefrag and dbcc reindex?
how to select 5 to 7 rows from a table, which contains 10 rows?
How do I delete a sql server database?
How to get a list of columns in a view using the "sp_columns" stored procedure?
Explain the concepts and capabilities of sql server?
How to count rows with the count(*) function in ms sql server?
How to get the definition of a user defined function back?
What do you understand by user-defined function in the sql server?
What are database states in ms sql server?
create procedure proc1 (@a int) as begin if @a=1 create table #temp(a1 int) else create table #temp(a1 int) end while executeing the above code it shows error like '#temp already exist' .why it shows an error?
Can a stored procedure call another stored procedure. If yes what level and can it be controlled?
Why is there a performance difference between two similar queries where one uses union and the other uses union all?
What is an sql server agent?