What is an sql server agent?
What is a non clustered primary key?
What is transaction server isolation?
What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?
Write the SQL query to drop, truncate and delete table.
0 Answers HPCL, Hughes Systique Corporation, Ittiam Systems,
How you can get a list of all the table constraints in a database? : Sql server administration
Explain what are the database objects? : SQL Server Architecture
How we Resize table,temp table, database and log file size in SQL Server 2005
How many types of built in functions are there in sql server 2012?
i have account table which consists of account name,card no and card no consists 16 digits now i want to retrieve the data if card no starts from 4 then it should print visa and if it starts from 5 then it should print master so plse help me to write simple query with out store procs .
What is default port number for sql server 2000?
What is sql server transaction log file?
What are the operating modes in which database mirroring runs?