What is the preferred way to create a clustered and non-clustered index? Which index should you create first the clustered or non-clustered?
Tell me what is difference between view and materialized view?
What is BLOCK statements in SQL?
What is the meaning of resultset type_scroll_insensitive?
What is the contrast between sql and pl/sql?
What are the diifferences between the ms sql server vs mysql?
What do you understand by user-defined function in the sql server and explain the steps to create and execute a user-defined function in the sql server?
Do you know spatial data types - geometry and geography in sql server 2008?
Explain the truncate command?
1.what is the difference between view and cursor? 2.If we do any change in view will it affect the database,similarly when we do changes in cursor will it affect the databse?with certain example?Thanks
How to store and query spatial data?
What is the difference between SSAS 2000 and SSAS 2005?
What are the tables in sql?