What is the contrast between sql and pl/sql?
How to count groups returned with the group by clause in ms sql server?
Difference between Triggers and Stored Procedure
23 Answers Claimat, HCL, Protech, Silgate,
What is Deadlock?
What are indexes in ms sql server?
What are the new features in SQL Server 2005?
How to convert numeric values to integers in ms sql server?
How to get number of days in a given year?
Why you need indexing? Where that is stored and what you mean by schema object? For what purpose we are using view?
What is key attribute?
A table contains list of customers and his city with other details. Each customer has a unique number and the table consists millions of data. Query is: I want to retrieve 10 customers from each city, no script, only from single query?
How do you debug a procedure in sql server?
What is the difference between index seek vs. Index scan?