How can you find out which stored procedures are recompiling?
What is replication with database mirroring? : sql server database administration
What is perspective, have you ever created perspective? : sql server analysis services, ssas
How to retrieve duplicate rows in a table? How to delete the duplicate entries in a table?
15 Answers Leo Technologies, Mannar Company, Synechron,
what is package and it uses and how can u call a package
What is the difference between deallocate cursor and close cursor?
explain the storage models of olap? : Sql server database administration
what are user defined datatypes? : Sql server database administration
What stored by the model? : sql server database administration
How to throw custom exception in Stored Procedure?
How to change server name in sql server?
What is deadlock and how to avoid the deadlocks.
How to use the inserted and deleted pseudo tables?