The founder of Indian National Congress was (1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (2) A.O. Hume (3) Dadabhai Nauroji (4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
23 33051what r the verstions from 1st to present (verstions) of mercury tools (like winrunner,QTP,Loadrunner) ? Chandana
1669Hello guys i'm doing MBA in HR 3rd sem, I'm appearing for campus recruitment i wana kno how these interviewver decides package during interview, wat is the criteria ? because in same campus one get low pacakage and other get high.... which could be factor for variation.
1 5278Post New Mannar Company Interview Questions
What is primitive data type?
What is the difference between super() and super(props)?
What are the advantages of database connection pooling?
Explain the process of digest cycle in angular?
In Quality Center, If we can reuse a non reusable test script as template test, then what is the need of defining reusable test scripts? What additional functionality does Reusable test scripts add when compared to non reusable test scripts?
Why to use
tags in html?
What is the difference between id and class?
What do you mean by filter transformation?
What is the use of join method?
Explain about return code?
Explain SHOW and DESCRIBE Commands in Hive?
What shell does a linux administrator assign to a pop3 mail-only account?
Explain cos(theta) and Sin(theta)
Difference between Inner vs outer joins?
How do you structure an access database?