How you can move data or databases between servers and databases in sql server?
what is the Surrogate key?and wt is the diff between Primary key and Surrogate Key?
What are transactions in sql?
What are SQL Jobs, please mention the use of it and how to create them.
How to convert numeric values to integers in ms sql server?
Explain triggers?
What are truncate options available in sql server? : sql server database administration
How you can minimize the deadlock situation?
How to recompile stored procedure at run time?
Their are two tables 'A' and'B'.Table 'A' contains 3 columns named 'eid','ename','dept'. Table 'B'contains 3 columns named'sid','designation','salary'. We have to retrieve the names of employees working in the same department,same designation and same salary. Its urgent can anyone help me out in this problem.
What to check if a User database is locked?
Is it possible to call a stored procedure within a stored procedure?
Do you know what are the restrictions that views have to follow?