Do you know what are the restrictions that views have to follow?
Write a Select Query to display title for each group of records, which are collected with Compute Clause? Like titlefield column-A column-B ..... ..... ..... Sum ... titlefield column-A column-B ..... ..... ..... Sum ...
What is the difference between the application object and session object?
What is Dedicated Administrator Connection in sql server 2005?
Do you know the policy based administration feature of sql server 2008?
What is normalization process?
Name the different type of indexes in sql?
What are the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
What happens if null values are involved in boolean operations?
How to change a login name in ms sql server?
Explain use of expression builder.
What are the different editions available in sql server 2000?
What is isnull() operator?