What is the boxing and unboxing concept in .net?
what are candidate key, alternate key and composite key? : Sql server database administration
What are views used for?
how to delete duplicate rows in sql server2005
7 Answers Cisco, CTS, HCL, IBM,
Why SQL Agent is used?
Suggest a method of joining two tables.
0 Answers Ernst Young, Thomson Reuters,
How can I create a report based on a query? : sql server management studio
What is a select query statement in ms sql server?
What is difference between group by and having?
Explain the difference between cross join and full outer join?
statement (of account) Receive ID_receive Date_receive Amount_receive TO_receive From_receive Description_receive 1 2010/01/01 500 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account 2 2010/02/01 700 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account Payment ID_payment Date_payment Amount_payment From_payment To_payment Description_payment 1 2010/03/01 1000 Ahmed Sales Sale goods 2 2010/04/01 1500 Ahmed Sales Sale goods How can crate Stored Procedures for the statement (of account) from these tables? I want statement (of account) like this: (in sql 2005) ID_ name description debit account credit account balance
How to access the deleted record of an event?
Can I recover a damaged SQL Server 2008 database with the undamaged .mdb and .ldf files?