Which are the new data types introduced in sql server 2008?
what is a join and explain different types of joins? : Sql server database administration
I applied Transactional with updatable subscriptions replication on 2 tables now i want to delete those 2 tables but i cannot delete those tables as replication is running how can i stop replication for those 2 tables(but i don't want to delete those replicated tables but i need to stop the replication) how can i do that
Display a roll having miminum marks in two subjects?
Is it possible to delete duplicate rows in a table without using a temporary table ?
What is transaction server isolation?
What are the steps you should follow to start sql server in single-user mode?
CLR Integration ? what is Notification services ?
How to truncate the log in sql server 2012? : sql server database administration
Differentiate between SQL and ORACLE joins and write their syntax.
when u import an excel file into sql if suppose one column has got a date field with system time attached to it what data type u will use in sql to import it in a table? Note: a condition is the excel file has no primary key defined to a column...also u r importing bulk data into sql
What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered Index?
What is difference between aggregate and analytic function?