What is an error?
what is difference between smoke test and exploratory test.?
What is a Test Log ,How is it differnt from a bug REport
Why does user inter-operability testing present such a big challenge to the testing effort?
You find that there is a senior tester who is making more mistakes than the junior testers. You need to communicate this aspect to the senior tester. Also, you don’t want to loose this tester. How should one go about the constructive criticism?
How will you Test a Website manually?? Tell me any 5 different ways to Test a Website.
Suppose product is to be delivered on urgent basis.There is no time to test on all OS and Browseres.We have time to execute atlest in one combination of OS and browser.Which one do you prefer and why?
hi this is altaf ....could any one send me details of all testing models
After few months, I'll be having 2 years of experience only in Manual Testing.I want to know which type of questions I'll be asked in Interview if I'll appear for any.
Can any one please tell me the exact difference between the smoke testing,sanity testing and exploratory testing?
what is meant by Priority and Severity?
By using any techinique in tesing......how to find the greatest number between 1-10.?
how we do system testingf project?