How do you update f as m and m as f from the below table testtable?
What is cursor and why it is required?
what is a relationship and what are they? : Sql dba
Can a view be mutating? If yes, then how?
what is unique key constraint? : Sql dba
What are the rules to be applied to nulls whilst doing comparisons?
what are local and global variables and their differences? : Sql dba
can i use dbms_output.put_line in a function u are telling as return statement
what is the use of HASH, LIST partitions?
declare lowerl number:= 1; upperl number:= 3; num varchar2(10); begin for i into lowerl..upperl loop num:=num||to_char(lowerl); if i=3 then upperl:=5; end loop; message(num); What will be the output ?
What is dml statement?
Explain the the delete statements in sql?
what are the differences between public, private, protected, static, transient, final and volatile? : Sql dba