What are the rules to be applied to nulls whilst doing comparisons?
In table three columns with 1 milion records(here there is no sequence values) i want add one more column with sequence values from the first how it is posible?
Is sql a dbms?
What are the benefits of pl sql?
Define union, minus, union all, intersect ?
Q1.all the depts which has more then 10 empls? Q2.all the dept which does not have any emply? Q3 all the emp which does not have any dept? Q4 get all the emply detais with the dept details it dept is exit otherwise any emp details? Q5 how to debugg the dynamic sql and packages?
Name the operator which is used in the query for pattern matching?
what is indexing, searching and user interface?
How do I restart sql?
Can we use joins in subquery?
What is auto increment?
How does a trigger work?
How do you delete duplicates in sql query using rowid?