What is the use of set nocount on/off statement?
Write a code to select distinct records without using the DISTINCT keyword.
Write a stored procedure for emplpoyee and department table to get DeptName which having no employee. Table Structure- Emp-Emp_Id,Emp_Name,Dept_id Dept-Dept_Id,Dept_Name
I have a table Events Events containing cardno,time,id,name--each id has a cardno my requirement is every day each employee swipe the card several times i want to calculate first and last time of each card the output should be name 1 2 6 7 in out in out holiday holiday xxx 09:30 06:30 09:40 06:45 where 1,2...... are dates for example january 1,2, etc. 6 and 7 are saturday and sunday how it is posssible
Write an sql query to sort a table according to the amounts in a row and find the second largest amount.
What are the different types of queries?
Their are two tables 'A' and'B'.Table 'A' contains 3 columns named 'eid','ename','dept'. Table 'B'contains 3 columns named'sid','designation','salary'. We have to retrieve the names of employees working in the same department,same designation and same salary. Its urgent can anyone help me out in this problem.
How to use old values to define new values in update statements in ms sql server?
What do you understand by triggers and mention the different types of it?
Define candidate key, alternate key, composite key.
13 Answers Infosys, Software India,
Explain cdc and sql injection?
What are functions in the sql server?
When do u use clustered index and non-clustered index?