How to use old values to define new values in update statements in ms sql server?
What are the types of normalization?
What is the differecne between equi-join and inner-join and natural join..Is there any difference or all are same?
How can sql server instances be hidden?
What do you understand by triggers and mention the different types of it?
Why it is recommended to avoid referencing a floating point column in the where clause?
Can we use where and having clause together?
How can we call UDF(User Define Function) using C# code in ?
How to convert binary strings into integers in ms sql server?
What stored procedure can you use to display the current processes?
explain extended properties
I have cleared sbi clerk examination. I am Bachelor in computer application (BCA) graduate. so which type of question related bca in sbi clerk interviews. pls answers me at and also tell me which type of question asked in sbi clerk interview.
Explain the benefits of user-defined functions?