write vbscript in qtp tool for senario, in the given sheet
add each number in each row and each colunm and show result

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write vbscript in qtp tool for senario, in the given sheet add each number in each row and each co..

Answer / suresh

i think that question was asked nageshwar rao sir... that is worst question....pls dont remember nageshwar..he is not a good faculty...he is wasting lot of time in class room...he is not help after completion of course....waste faculty....in hyd........... worst scripts no use in Real Time....

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write vbscript in qtp tool for senario, in the given sheet add each number in each row and each co..

Answer / chan

hi Mithuna Reddy, I think you didnt understand the question. the question is about a script in QTP, but you are beating the trumpet of some useless guy. understand the question first and try to answer something relevant to it.

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write vbscript in qtp tool for senario, in the given sheet add each number in each row and each co..

Answer / mithuna reddy

Heyy I have taken online QTP classes of Karthik Kosireddi, he is very good at teaching all real time scenarios. I was a novice in automation not even enough knowledge in vb scripting when I started attending the course but after the sessions and a bit of practicing I am able to understand the scenarios and write automation scripts using descriptive programming on my own.

So I suggest Karthik Kosireddi's classes for beginners in Automation testing using QTP

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