Write a sql query to convert all character to uppercase after hypen.
How to write a single statement that concatenates the words ?hello? And ?world? And assign it in a variable named greeting?
Is the primary key an index?
How to look at the current sql*plus system settings?
What are the modes of parameters that can be passed to a procedure ?
What is integrity in sql?
What cursor type do you use to retrieve multiple recordsets?
17 Answers Apollo, CTS, IonIdea, Microsoft, Oracle, TCS, Vmoksha, Wipro,
How to select 10 records from a table?
I want to create synonym for table emp but in my pc it is giving insufficient previliges.I am using user scott.Please suggest me.
What is a REF CURSOR? Compare strong and week ref cursor types.
how to convert character strings to numeric values? : Sql dba
What is nosql db?
How to create a view on a table which does not exists