What does trigger mean in slang?
Use The Implicit cursor to Query The Department table information Where Deptno is 30.check,if no record was found then print "Record Was Not Found".Else Print Deptname And Ename.Dept table Have Dname Varchar2(20),Deptno Number,EnameVarchar2(20).Please Answer In 2 mins,with in Maximum 15 lines.
How many times can we commit in a loop?
What is difference between left and right outer join?
What does plv msg allows you to do?
What is the difference between the repeatable read and serializable isolation levels? : Transact sql
What is the use of sql trace?
How do you define a foreign key?
What are properties of the transaction?
What is the purpose of design view?
how many columns can be used for creating index? : Sql dba
Can triggers stop a dml statement from executing on a table?
What is a variable in sql?