Describe the difference between = and == symbols in c programming?
Explain what does the characters 'r' and 'w' mean when writing programs that will make use of files?
Why n++ execute faster than n+1 ?
write the program for prime numbers?
73 Answers Accenture, Aptech, Infosys, TCS,
Why ordinary variable store only one value
how to print the character with maximum occurence and print that number of occurence too in a string given ?
How can I display a percentage-done indication that updates itself in place, or show one of those twirling baton progress indicators?
I came across some code that puts a (void) cast before each call to printf. Why?
Write a program to show the workingof auto variable.
Should I use symbolic names like true and false for boolean constants, or plain 1 and 0?
My teacher ask to make a program that can: Insert record in front Insert record at the end Insert in between Search node record Delete record in front Delete record at the end Delete record in between Using Data structure Linked List type. But I'm really confused about the codes and I can't go through. Please help Thanks in advance. Also here is my unfinished code if someone can make changes it will be more good.
Explain the difference between malloc() and calloc() in c?
What are different types of pointers?