What is a crud api?
How can you save or place your msg in a table?
Give an example of any procedure.
5 Answers Accenture, iFlex, Wipro,
How to delete same emp id in sql query for exmaple in emp table emp id, empname, emp address. for example emp id =5, repeated in two times in rows same id how to delete same empid please any one of the write query send in my id
What is Overloading of procedures ?
What does (*) mean in sql?
What is a unique key and primary key and foreign key?
How many levels can subqueries be nested in a FROM clause?
Is it possible to use Transaction control Statements such a ROLLBACK or COMMIT in Database Trigger ? Why ?
Why does sql need a server?
Is record in pl sql?
How to select 10 records from a table?
What program will open a mdb file?