Can you explain different types of locks in sql server?
What are acid properties of transaction?
Write a sql query to delete duplicate records from a table called table1
How to handle errors in Stored Procedures.
What are audit control procedures?
0 Answers Ernst Young, Thomson Reuters,
If you're given a raw data table, how would perform etl (extract, transform, load) with sql to obtain the data in a desired format?
What is the server name for sql management studio?
Using query analyzer, name 3 ways you can get an accurate count of the number of records in a table?
What do you understand by mirroring and mention the advantages of the mirroring?
What is subquery? Explain the properties of a subquery?
What is transaction ? Give me one example.
Explain the working of sql privileges?
Explain fundamentals of Data ware housing & OLAP?