what operator performs pattern matching?

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what operator performs pattern matching?..

Answer / rajendra prasad reddy penumall

'Like' operator is a pattren matching operator.

select name from class where name like 'a%'

selecting names starting with letter 'a' and any length

select name from class where name like '_a%'
selecting names starting with second with letter 'a' and
any length.
select name from class where name like '[abc]%'
selecting names starting with first letter 'a'or 'b'
or 'c' and any length.

select name from class where name like '[^abc]%'
selecting names except starting with first letter with
letter 'a'or 'b' or 'c' and any length.

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what operator performs pattern matching?..

Answer / deepak

Pattern matching is used to get the information without
mentioning the full name and by just using the LIKE operator
and just mention the starting letter.

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