Explain full-text query in sql server?
What is schemabinding a view?
Describe triggers features and limitations?
Is foreign key a primary key?
What is sql server transaction log file?
How do I find the query plan in sql server?
How to download and install the scaled-down database adventureworkslt?
You have a stored procedure, which execute a lengthy batch job. This stored procedure is called from a trigger you do not want to slow the data entry process you do not want trigger to wait for this batch job to finish before it completes itself what you can do to speed up the process?
What do you understand by recursive stored procedures?
how to write test cases for testing databases,especially for testing and writing test cases for stored procedures.any real time database testers.please answer me.
Tell me what is a linked server?
What are the different types of locks in the database?
statement (of account) Receive ID_receive Date_receive Amount_receive TO_receive From_receive Description_receive 1 2010/01/01 500 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account 2 2010/02/01 700 Bank Ahmed Payment from the account Payment ID_payment Date_payment Amount_payment From_payment To_payment Description_payment 1 2010/03/01 1000 Ahmed Sales Sale goods 2 2010/04/01 1500 Ahmed Sales Sale goods How can crate Stored Procedures for the statement (of account) from these tables? I want statement (of account) like this: (in sql 2005) ID_ name description debit account credit account balance