Is there a way to have non-constant case labels (i.e. Ranges or arbitrary expressions)?
What are terms in math?
write an algorithm which can find the largest number among the given list using binary search ............... this was asked in the interview
2 Answers Satyam, UNIS, Wipro,
Write a program for Overriding.
Which weighs more, a gram of feathers or a gram of gold?
write a c program to accept a given integer value and print its value in words
4 Answers Vernalis, Vernalis Systems,
Explain what is the heap?
simple program of graphics and thier outpu display with a want what is out put of graohics in c language
Example of friendly function in c++
Find greatest number out of 10 number without using loop.
write a c program to find the sum of five entered numbers using an array named number
Can stdout be forced to print somewhere other than the screen?
what is the advantage of using SEMAPHORES to ORDINARY VARIABLES???