Analyzing the checpoint results?
How can we disable smart identification at the time of recording? Ideally, smart identification should be enabled only at the run-time.
If an application name is changes frequently i.e while recording it has name "Window1" and then while running its "Windows2" in this case how does QTP handles?
When ‘option explicit’ keyword is used in qtp?
Tell me the difference between QTP9.2, QTP9.5 and QTP10.0
I have 1 to 10 action are there, i want action1 output becomes to action 10 input? pls any can give script for this scenario?
What are the file extensions for per-action, shared object repository files and what is the extension for library files?
Explain the benefits of quick test pro(qtp)?
Hi, Any one have the crack for QTP 10.0,if so could you please send it to
Give a comment on Regular Expressions using QTP?
When we r doing data driven test with chkpts, i want to insert formulae in data sheet but i didn't get. How we wil do that plz. explain in detail.
Did you find anything in your project that QTP proved inefficient to perform?
what we do after completion of functional and regression testing