What is text/text area checkpoint?
Hello Everybody, Please tell me can we create Test Plan in QTP? This I am asking irrespective to integrating with Test Director.I mean is there any option to create Test Plan in QTP itself. Thanks, Gaytri
Explain roles and responsibilites of 2yrs Automation qtp engineer.
What are the different ways to invoke an application using QTP?
How reliable are the site's Internet connections required to be? And how does that affect backup system or redundant connection requirements and testing?
For example one window is there the window contain some of Check boxes but my question is how many check boxes are there particular window? Please solve the problem gi_raju@rediffmail.com ippaliraju@yahoo.co.in
Hi..All I have installed QTP 10.0, and need to Automate SAP Application.....so i need to Install SAP Add-ins, anybady has SAP-Addins, Please help me, and thanks in advanced plese send it on my email id: sandipgami84@gmail.com Thanks, Sandip Gami +91-9714177088
How we can test a Frame in a web page?
I opened gmail login into gmail and i have to save (Pass or move) all the mail into notepad please give me code Thanks of all
If we write a script in the expert view how are the objects created in the object repository? to be clear i will explain my problem first i have recorded the mercurytours application by providing the link www.mercurytours.com and all the objects are stored in the object repository ok this is fine. but i have copied the script generated in the above processes and pasted in a new test and tried to run that script but as the objects were not stored in the object repository it showed an error (The "Welcome: Mercury Tours" object was not found in the Object Repository. Check the Object Repository to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object).so how can i overcome that error
str="ramanareddy12345@gmail.com"to count alphabets,numarics and special charcters pls any one knows send to answer
Hi Guys, here I am posting one question. Wen u r working with Notepad. If it is not responding in the middle of TEst...what u will do.
how to use the QTP choose the data from oracle? e.g. i input the identity card NO. this will be add new record in the database ,and now i want get this record's prime key.