Please explain me frameworks & how to generate the scripts
in framework
How to use Environment parameterization in QTP? Explain with an example.
whai is meant by automation testing?
How To Export The Screen Shoots Along With The Test Reports In QTP Version 10? Thanks In Advance SenthilKumar
what are the limitations of automation testing?
In a web application , there is a table of rows and coloums , i want to pickup the 1st row and 3rd coloums name (not data)how can any one explain
supose i hv to acsess some functionlaties of a test in 1 machin , some part other machin how can acsess?
How many regression test suits in your appliction?
what is a file system object in QTP
What is the difference between Recover Scenario(screen) and on Error Resume Next(code)
can any one give me the doccument how to test aproject developed in java language in qtp can here can we use the general vb scripting or we have to use java script here if we have to ese the java script here can any one send me the manual for it means how to write descriptive programming for it thanks in advance
if mandatory and Assitive propertys are shows same how will u write skript in QTP window
How to make arguments optional in a function?