In a webtable, lets say there are 10 records and 1 column.
let say "image" is available for 1st,2nd and 3rd records and
4th onwards image is not available. How to recognise for
that cell image is available or not?
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Answer / sandipgami84
Hi, U need to pass only column no, for which column u want
to check, image is exist or not, cop below function and Pass
your 'Column No' as a perameter
Public Function isGridImageExist(Column_No)
Dim Browser_Page
Set Browser_Page = Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*")
RowCount = Browser_Page.WebTable("html id:=playlist").RowCount
GetTotalPage =
GetMaxPageNumber = trim(right(GetTotalPage,2))
For J=1 to GetMaxPageNumber
For i=1 to RowCount
Set Img = Browser_Page.WebTable("html id:=playlist","html
If (Img.Exist(2)) Then
isGridImageExist = 1
Set Browser_Page = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Browser_Page.Image("file name:=next.jpg").click
Set Browser_Page = Nothing
End Function
Sandip Gami
Cell No: 9714177088
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Answer / nalini
We can use childitemcount method to get the image count in
a cell.
For i=1 to Rcnt
imgcnt = Browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").WebTable
(t).ChildItemCount(i, 1, "Image")
Reporter.ReportEvent 0,"imgcount",imgcnt& " images
available in row# "& i & " and column1"
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