Explain void pointer?
Explain how do you list a file’s date and time?
What is variables in c?
write a program that reads lines(using getline), converts each line to an integer using atoi, and computes the average of all the numbers read. also compute the standard deviation.
What are near, far and huge pointers?
0 Answers Hexaware, Thomson Reuters, Virtusa,
is it possible to create your own header files?
What is the purpose of macro in C language?
What is a buffer in c?
here is a link to download Let_Us_C_-_Yashwant_Kanetkar
How can I prevent other programmers from violating encapsulation by seeing the private parts of my class?
What ios diff. Between %e & %f?
why to assign a pointer to null sometimes??how can a pointer we declare get assigned with a garbage value by default???
pgm to reverse string using arrays i.e god is love becomes love is god) (assumption:only space is used for seperation of words) no addtional memory used.i.e no temporary arrays can used.