what is the differnce between programing langauge and tool? is sas is a programing langauge r tool?
2003Post New Gamesa Interview Questions
Do you know what are heading tags?
List the comparison between FC and FCOE?
What is cookies php?
Tell me the SO (sales Order) to Collection in sap with Accounting Effect.
What is run dll on my computer?
how will u test the idoc
What is web server configuration?
What are enterprise and workgroup modes?
Explain the concept and use of type void.
What are the problems faced by the developer using object oriented programming language?
Difference between Shallow copy and Deep copy?
in order to modify the configuration of an enterprise application, through which components can the system admin make modification using wsadmin?
What is self in python constructor?
What is cookies c#?
What is an automation testing framework?