How to convert a unicode strings to non-unicode strings?
Explain use of expression builder.
what is the out put of below queries? a. select * from Emp where null = null; b. select * from Emp where 1=1;
Explain the difference between functions and stored procedures in sql server?
Where is my database stored on the hard disk in ms sql server?
How raid can influence database performance?
What are the disadvantages of using querystrings to send data from one page to another?
As a general practice, it is recommended to have dbo be the owner of all database objects however, in your database you find number of tables owned by a user other than dbo, how could you fix this?
How column data types are determined in a view?
What is data source object?
can i write function in stored procedure and stored procedure in function and nested procedure.Give one example for each question?
How many types of Outer Joins?What are they?
Do you know what is normalization of database? What are its benefits?