As a general practice, it is recommended to have dbo be the owner of all database objects however, in your database you find number of tables owned by a user other than dbo, how could you fix this?
What are triggers? How do you invoke a trigger on demand?
Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
How to genrate automaticlly empid like gt001
What's the maximum size of a row?
What is SCOPE_IDENTITY() in sql
What is always encrypted?
ow to bring suspect mode datbase online from scratch
I have triggers,views,functions,stored Procedures for a table. When I am dropping that table which objects are deleted?
How do I compare two values when one value(data type) is char and the other is an integer?
What is primary key, unique key, and foreign key?
Explain the rules for designing files and file groups in sql server?
What do you understand by user-defined function in the sql server?