How to delete multiple rows with one delete statement in ms sql server?
how to control the amount of free space in your index pages? : Sql server database administration
Which joins are sql server default?
Difference between Function and Stored Procedure?
Why should we go for stored procedures? Why not direct queries?
A table contains list of customers and his city with other details. Each customer has a unique number and the table consists millions of data. Query is: I want to retrieve 10 customers from each city, no script, only from single query?
How do I edit a stored procedure in sql server?
wat is mean by trigger?.......normally wat use......when trigger used in sql........... plz cleary say with example.......
How to convert numeric expression data types using the cast() function?
I Have Employee table having column name as ID,SALARY how to get second max salary from employee table with id ex ID SALARY 1 20000 7 37000 2 5000
17 Answers HCL, IBM,
List the different index configurations possible for a table?
What are different types of statement?
What samples and sample databases are provided by microsoft?