how to control the amount of free space in your index pages? : Sql server database administration
How to use union to merge outputs from two queries together in ms sql server?
What are the types of processing and explain each? : sql server analysis services, ssas
how you can get the list of largest tables in a database? : Sql server administration
one of my database size is 2gb and Unrestricted Growth for Data file up to 10%.But every day after day I am getting Primary Data file is full 99.999 please take appropriate actions.Why it is? Even disk space is also not full,but still I am getting the alerts.
What is a Lock and let me know Different types of locks?
What is molap and its advantage? : sql server analysis services, ssas
Do you know what is a linked server in sql server?
explain what is a deadlock and what is a live lock? How will you go about resolving deadlocks? : Sql server database administration
Which system tables contain information on privileges granted and privileges obtained
How to change the ownership of a schema in ms sql server?
What is the guest user account in sql server? What login is it mapped to it? : sql server security
Difference between Cluster and Non-cluster index?
32 Answers Accenture, Agility e-Services, eClinicalWorks, HCL, Infosys, Oracle, Satyam, Yardi,