What is the purpose of forms?
What happens if an integer is too big for int date type?
1)what is the difference between Reinitializing a Subscription and synchronization the subscription? 2)when to use reinitializing ? 3)when to use synchronization? 4)when adding table or deleting a table what to do?(reinz.. or syn) 5)when adding a column what to do?
Can you name a few encryption mechanisms in sql server?
What is the difference between views and stored procedures? Can we have input parameters for views?
Define self join?
Why de-normalization required?
How will you monitor replication latency in transactional replication? : sql server replication
can you instantiate a com object by using t-sql? : Sql server database administration
What is data compression? : sql server database administration
Suppose i have one sql query that contains 2 minute to execute.After one weekly i am executing same query that is taking 5 minute.Why our same query is taking more time.what would be my approach to reduce execution time.Please help.
1 Answers Cognizant, HCL, Value Labs,
Explain the use of containers in ssis and also their types?
Is sql server is free?