What is character functions?
what is commit? : Sql dba
Where not exists in sql?
How many rows will return from dual table?
Table A Table B 1 1 2 1 3 1. Union & union all --> A Union B , A Union all B 2. Minus , Intersect --> A minus B , B Minus A , A Intersect B 3. Joins A join B , A Left Join B A Right Join B , A full Join B 4. %Type - Uses & Benifit 5. Truncate & Delete 6. Pragma Autonomus Transaction 7. how to Perform DDL from function or procedure 8. Can we have DML inside Function 9. Rank & Dense Rank diffrence 10. Water Mark in Oracle 11. Index , Can we have index in all column of table if no then why ?
If the application is running very slow? At what points you need to go about the database in order to improve the performance?
What is pl/sql and what is it used for?
table name: prod there are three fields in the table that are 1.proddate 2.prodQty 3.model Day wise prodQty is stored in the table prod write a query to display total prodqty in the year 2004 april.
How many sectors are in a partition?
What is INSTEAD OF trigger ?
How to check if a column is nullable before setting to nullable?
What is difference between table and view?
Explain the structure of pl/sql in brief.