Table A Table B
1 1
2 1
1. Union & union all --> A Union B , A Union all B
2. Minus , Intersect --> A minus B , B Minus A , A Intersect B
3. Joins A join B , A Left Join B A Right Join B , A full Join B
4. %Type - Uses & Benifit
5. Truncate & Delete
6. Pragma Autonomus Transaction
7. how to Perform DDL from function or procedure
8. Can we have DML inside Function
9. Rank & Dense Rank diffrence
10. Water Mark in Oracle
11. Index , Can we have index in all column of table if no then why ?
What is forward declaration in pl sql?
What is information schema in sql?
How does left join work in sql?
how a reference cursor works?what all adnvantages are gained with it..specify the situation?
sales persons should always receive commission of 100 at least. employees who r not sales persons should never receive commission.(Triggers)
Mention what does plvtab enables you to do when you showthe contents of pl/sql tables?
how to select alphabets in a one column , for this the table name is PA_TASKS and column name is TASK_NUMBER, In TASK_NUMBER the data like this 1.1.3NN,1.1.4NN,1.5.1NN,1.3.2NE,1.5NN,1NN,1.2NE,1CE , For this i need to disply output as NN,NN,NN,NE,NN,NN,NE,CE, Its some urgent requirement ,thanks in advance
What is trigger in sql?
Which data type is a composite type?
Why self join is used in sql?
How does postgresql compare to mysql?
what is cross join? : Sql dba