Where not exists in sql?
Why do we use procedures?
What is a temporal table?
What is a table?
What is diff between bulk collect and forall
How to return multiple records from procedure?
What is the execution plan in sql?
What does stand for in sql?
How you can copy a file to file content and file to pl/sql table in advance pl/sql?
what is not null constraint? : Sql dba
how to find the second highest salary from emp table?
211 Answers CIS, Cognizant, Cosmosoft, DAS, EDS, GreenTech, HOV Services, IBM, Infosys, National Institute of Science and Technology, Patni, Persistent, Polaris, TCS, Wipro, Yardi, Zensar,
What are the types of dbms?
how to select first 5 records from a table? : Sql dba