When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that
describing that u have received a mail to your outlook
application. so to avoid the interference of the popup
window , which recovery scenario(popup,object
state,application hang,system crash) would u use ?
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Answer / g2
Four type of recovery scenarios are there.One of them is
Pop-up exception.So navigating to Tools>Recovery
Scenario>Manager user can add the pop-up exception.
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Answer / rajendra
Using popup exception we handle this situation.
ok frindz byee
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Answer / srinivas
Using pop-up expection in recovery scenario manager to skip
the unwanted windows.
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Answer / mark
In QTP 9.0, you have a option to avoid this pop ups.
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any challange that faced in your project? (please give me some examples in your project?
I am sathish , i want to test the Application of JIL.org ,Mobile Emulator ,by using QTP10.0. I am trying to do testing on that Application , but Child Objects are not identified by the QTP. Please can any one help me
What is the need and applications of learning VB script for a automation(QTP) engineer ain Realtime ?
What is Test Fusion Report in QTP?
VM1 = "Invalid username or password. Please try again. " VM2 = "Email id is required.Password is required. " VM3 = "Email id is an invalid e-mail address.Password is required. " VM4 = "Password is required. " VM5 = "Email id is required. " VM6 = "Email id is an invalid e-mail address. " 'Rowcount of the Local sheet Rowcount = DataTable.GetSheet("Invalid login transactions").GetRowCount 'Valid emailid and Password Emailid = "test@iteamic.com" Password = "Password0" 'For i = 1 to Rowcount 'Parameterised Email_id Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("emailAddress").Set DataTable("Email_id", dtLocalSheet) EID = Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("emailAddress").GetRoProperty("value") 'Parameterised Password Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("password").Set DataTable("Password", dtLocalSheet) PWD = Browser("Browser").Page ("Page").WebEdit("password").GetROProperty("Value") If EID = Emailid And PWD = Password Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "EID & PWD check", "Email id and Password is correct, One iteration of Invalid login attempts is not being executed" Else Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebButton ("Sign-In").Click 'Output value exported to the local sheet Browser("Browser").Page ("Page_2").Output CheckPoint("Home page_Sign in") 'Storing the output value in a variable(OUTPUT OUTPUT = Datatable.GetSheet ("Invalid login transactions").Getparameter ("Validation_message_signin").value 'comparing the Variable Output and the Validation message for a given input If OUTPUT = VM1 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM1", "Invalid username or password. Please try again. " else if OUTPUT = VM2 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM2", "Email id is required.Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM3 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM3", "Email id is an invalid e-mail address.Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM4 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM4", "Password is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM5 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM5", "Email id is required. " else if OUTPUT = VM6 Then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "VM6", "Email id is an invalid e-mail address. " else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "EID & PWD check_FAIL", "Validation message checkpoint failed. The captured v msg is not required" End if End if I am getting syntax error saying "Expected 'End If'" at the last line, Why is this? Kindly explain...
I m trying to automate one vb desktop application in that there is vblist vbcombobox many other vb tools are there ,when i m trying to find some unique property to identify the object (take example of vbcombobox ) I cannot find any unique property, all the combobox belong to same nativeclass same name no ids are available ,only the distinct property is there x and y coordinates so i m using some code like this "vbbutton "nativeclass:=ThunderRT6CommandButton","x:=304","y :=443").exist(2)" but i dont find them reliable .Can anyone suggest me some other way to identify those objects with some unique property or is there any way to register our own property .I m using descriptive programming to write the code .Thanks in advance
wat are views in qtp explain
How would you export a script from one pc to another in qtp?
In QTP for .net application which plug in is used? For Java Application which plug in is used ?
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