When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that
describing that u have received a mail to your outlook
application. so to avoid the interference of the popup
window , which recovery scenario(popup,object
state,application hang,system crash) would u use ?

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When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to..

Answer / g2

Four type of recovery scenarios are there.One of them is
Pop-up exception.So navigating to Tools>Recovery
Scenario>Manager user can add the pop-up exception.

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When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to..

Answer / rajendra

Using popup exception we handle this situation.

ok frindz byee


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When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to..

Answer / srinivas

Using pop-up expection in recovery scenario manager to skip
the unwanted windows.

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When u r running a script , if u get a popup window that describing that u have received a mail to..

Answer / mark

In QTP 9.0, you have a option to avoid this pop ups.

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